Friday 18 February 2011

Mise-en-scene Ideas

As a group we have decided on an idea, it is a horror film and we have to show the generic conventions of a horror film e.g. blood, knives etc.

In our first scene there is a News Reporter on the television being portrayed in a what seems to be bedroom. The voice of this will be made to sound quite an echo, this will add to the horror and the feeling of unknowing and tension. On the TV there will appear to be a mask, this is shown to give away the setting and location of the film opening's whereabouts. The news report will be about a "masked killer" it allows the viewer to work out this is in the killers house but doesn't give away their identity and keeps the fear. The lighting in the room will be low level, the TV should be the source of light, when the mans body comes into view and illuminated by the flicker of the TV it will become more chilling. The props used in this scene will be all normal household items. Using these props will show how the killer is an average human being but all isn't what it seems. On the wall will be seemingly nice pictures but when looking closer the camera will show that the pictures are covered in blood. It is this change from the norm to the scare that we are aiming for. We will either have an eerie soundtrack or have the news report continuing in the back ground, this will create tension.

This will be set in a medium sized small room, too large and it wouldn't have the same effect on the audience, but too small and would not be practical to film in. We are using the mask to show that this is the masked killer and enables the film to continue after the opening.
Blood is a generic convention in Horror and will be need to be shown during the film opening to give away the genre to the audience. It will be portrayed on the killer's hand when crossing out a photograph of his previous victim and will be shown on the pictures of the victims, on the wall.

Although the pictures will not be framed they will be placed on the wall in random order to give away the location and to give away part of the storyline to the audience.

This is the type of News Report that our group would like to accomplish in our film opening, we are thinking more of a blank canvas in the background (white to connote the innocence of the girls in the murder report), and there to be time in the right hand bottom corner and the subject in the left bottom hand corner.

Post by: Jess Wilding & Will Howlett

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