Sunday 20 February 2011

Our Ideas on Props for the filming

These are pictures taken from our location. These props have been noted and will be discussed on which may be used. Strengths and weaknesses of the props will be considered and the one well suited to our setting and genre will be used.

1. The prop discussed is the chest of draws that the television is sitting on

Strengths:  It's believable that it would be in the stalker's home as it's home furniture.

Weaknesses: It's a bit too tall for the camera and we'd have to pan a lot, may shake too much and cause the opening to look less professional.

2. The prop discussed is the television

Strengths: Modern day television will seem more realistic, there is a DVD Player on the side which will be handy for when we have to insert the disc from the news report.

Weaknesses: There are some stickers on the television which will need to be removed in order to make the opening more profession. This however, will not be a problem.

3. The prop discussed is the piece of furniture the monitor is sitting on
Strengths: Plain piece of furniture, realistic as it's homely.

Weaknesses: It's too tall aswell and there is a hair band to support the doors from opening which may be a problem.

4. The prop discussed are the chest of draws that the television is sitting on

 Strengths: They are small enough to not be an issue when filming, realistic.

Weaknesses: Might not fit in with the genre, if too light when filming and not fitting in with the darkish atmosphere, may have to put a dark blanket/sheet over the top of it.

Photos and Posts by Jess Wilding

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