Saturday 19 February 2011

Film Opening Inital Idea of Storyboard

We have a black screen so it gives something to go from and so that it gives the audience a minute to wait for the film instead of jumping straight in to the film. 

After the black screen there will be writing that will come up in a certain transition chosen by the group at the time of editing. We have discussed this to an extent and will either chose to have to writing in a scary font or to go for a more complex idea of having it look as though it is being typewritten, with a suited sound in the background. The writing will say, 'This film is inspired by true events'.


 The writing from the previous shot will fade away, again in a chosen transition, and then writing will come up saying, 'Followed by a series of murders, on March 26th the case of Kate Young appeared. The events that took place are currently unknown. The masked serial killer is still at large.' This will give the audience an element of fear considering the killer is still on the loose and gives away the storyline to the audience in the case of confusion.

The next shot will be in a dark, eerie room with the television at a long shot. There is a mask on top of the television to give away the location to the audience. There is a news report on so we can tell that someone is present, the mask also tries to give away who is in the room watching.

The news report is still playing and there is a close-up of the television to hint to the audience the significance of the news report.

The news report is still playing on the television when a hand violently turns the television off. You notice that the hand has blood on it, this has connotations of death and murder. 
The television will then get turned off by the stalker/serial killer and will then turn fuzzy, a static noise will follow over the top to make the audience jump and to give off an element of terror.

The camera will then pan to the left on a long shot from the television

The camera will keep panning until it comes to a stop and the actor playing the stalker/serial killer will seem to be staring at a photo of a girl on the wall.
There will then be a close-up of the photo on the wall and the stalker/serial killer will appear to have blood on his hand and will cross out a picture of a certain girl.

The next shot will be of the killer looking at a picture on the wall it will carry on to zoom, what the audience will figure out is that this girl is the next victim; Kate Young.

The final shot in the film opening sequence will be of a swing, we have decided that we could go 2 ways about this and either having Kate Young on the swing, or have the swing just rocking back and forwards to leave the audience to question what it is about, the film will then go on to explain everything that happens to his next victim.

The type of feedback that we got back was from our target audience (15years and over) we thought this would be the best way to get feedback if we were to get it from the selected age range we have aimed at.

Our feedback that came back was that we had a good storyline and we shouldn't change it too much. We should change how long the news report goes on for so that the audience have a bit more background to the girl that has just been murdered, we also put in input and asked the audience on our new plans for the opening being that we should have static noise e.g. from the film white noise and the ring, with jump cuts of the victims, they liked this idea and it was noted upon. They also told us that we should put creepy music in the background to set the horror.

Considering our feedback that we got from others in this lesson we have changed the storyboard slightly and there will be a second initial storyboard to be uploaded with the changes on them. This includes jump cuts of the girls at the scene of the crime.

Post by: Jess Wilding
Storyboard by: Kat Ransom
Ideas: Whole Group

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