Tuesday 15 February 2011

Character Profiles For Our Main Characters

Our group 'Orange Productions' have decided our film opening will need three main characters. One will be a stalker man, he is mentally deranged and takes pleasure through stalking young girls and playing with their minds. He takes photos and records the girls and posts them on his bedroom wall in a way he is obsessed but so obsessed he could commit murder to have the ones he wants. The man wears a mask to cover his true identity yet dressed in dirty cloths with dirty hand and nails. For this character we need to find an actor who is talented at playing someone mysterious, someone that will terrify the audience and portray the sickness of the character. He will need to create a higher fearful atmosphere and scare the audience. The name of this character is Bill Hasely, we felt this name by itself creates a scary atmosphere it is a fearful name like one such as 'Freddy Kruger' or 'Michael Myers'.  We need to ensure we pick certain qualities from our actors to ensure they play the part correctly and scare the audience, we also felt that the name chosen seemed real it is a name that is realistic and sounds like a real person we needed this as we want the film to be as if it is real and is describing true events this will add a much more eerie and dark atmosphere to the audience and leave them terrified.

We researched into actors that we feel could play this part well:

Males to play the part of Bill Hasely (stalker)

This is Robert Englund, he played the part of Freddy Kruger in the nightmare on elm street series. The character he plays is scary and dark and comes across as a psychopath, this is what is needed for our film we need the audience to fear this character. He plays this part extremely well although he is in a costume with a mask he still adds a scary effect through his body language and even the way he talks is low tone and scary adds an eerie atmosphere making the character come across as more terrifying. We feel he would play our stalker character well in our film as he is eerie and gives off a fearful atmosphere. This is a good actor to base our character on due to his body language and tone of voice so when undergoing our auditions we will need to ensure our character will be able to play a character that scares audiences and overall gives out a terrifying eerie and worrying atmosphere.


This is Derek Mears, he played the part of Jason Vorhees in the Friday the 13th series. In this film he creates a scary atmosphere not only through the mask he wears but his whole body language. The body language this actor uses is different to Robert Englund however still portrays a scary atmosphere very well. He moves slow around which creates fear. However you cannot ever hear his voice in the Friday the 13th series so this is a downfall to this actor as the voice needs to be low pitch and scary and this is a vital part of choosing an actor to play the stalker in our film opening. The actor is big built muscle wise which also adds more fear to the audience, it shows he has more power as our protagonist is a female the size of our character will clearly show he has complete power over her, creating the protagonist to come across more innocent and help less this creating fear and worry to the audience. The way the actor looks comes across as threatening and scary i feel he would play the part in our film well as our stalker need to have this effect on the audience, the character needs to be feared.


This is Nick castle, he plays the part of Michael Myers in the Halloween series, this actor gives the same effect as Jason Vorhees in Friday the 13th, the body language he portrays adds a terrifying atmosphere we need our audience to be scared by our character so i feel Nick castle would also play this part well.

Our second character is a young girl named Kate Young who is stalked in our film, she needs to be portrayed as innocent and beautiful. She needs to be a stereotypical 'high school cheerleader' she needs to be a popular girl in school that all the boys are after.

This is Reese Weatherspoon she would fit the part well as she has the look a high school girl, she has blonde hair which shows innocence and has all the attributes we would need in our piece.

Jennifer Aniston is a good fit to the character of our choice as she fits the ideal description perfectly. In most horror films the male gaze theory is used so the character would have to be attractive but shown to be innocent. This is the characteristics needed in our film.


This is Emma Watson, she fits the criteria for the role as she is shown to be innocent and a lovable character. She would also work in the male gaze theory.

If had the choice we would use a actor like Emma Watson as it would create a more innocent feel to the film. The male character we would use is Robert Englund, he would fit the part of the stalker well and would create fear throughout.

Post by: Kat Ransom

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