Friday 18 February 2011

Location Ideas

An idea of what type of room we'd like to do our filming in..

For our opening we needed to consider a near empty room with a TV and only a few pieces of furniture so there are room for the props we need to place in the space. We also wanted basic furniture to indicate to the audience that this is a bedroom and someone does live in there. We also need to have a wall spare where we can place picture on, this room has a bare wall so when we are properly analysing which location to film in we must take these points into consideration. However, our film is in a Horror Genre therefore we would have to find either a editing technique or to dim lights when filming as we'd need a creepy atmosphere.

(Location 1)
This would be where in the hallway of where we would film. The next three rooms come out of here. We can set up here and organise who will be filming at different shots so that we can all be involved with the filming and not just assign people to one job. This will not be in our film opening.

(Location 1)

This is the corner of the room where we would place the camera, as the opposite side of the room would be where we would place the photographs of the girls, the desk and TV.

(Location 1)
This is the opposite side of the wall where we'd place the photographs of the girls with the television in the corner. Obviously the picture on the wall would not be there and we would, when filming, have to move the bed out of the room. (It hasn't been decided on whether we'd want to have that sort of furniture there yet, the Monitor is just to show whereabouts the TV would be placed).

(Location 1)
This is the side of the room where when we would pan left we would probably use the window as our source of light and perhaps a lamp behind in case the lighting was too dark you couldn't see anything. Also a good idea that we came across was to put other things on the windowsill of the girls, to make the obsession seem more extreme.

(Location 1)
This is another picture of the room when entering, if we panned all the way to the left and around the room, this is what it would look like. We would change the lighting and the props in the room, perhaps we could keep the mirror for more a realistic effect, however we would have to be careful not to get any equipment reflecting in the mirror.
Location 1-

Weaknesses: The size of the room, moving the bed out of the room would be a lot of hassle but we could do this.

Strengths: Without the bed in the room it would seem more like a stalker's room, would not need a lot of light created by the crew as it has a lot of naturalistic lighting.

(Location 2)
This is the second idea for the location when filming, located in the same house as the first location, a much bigger room which may be appropriate considering how much equipment we will have. Which will be 2 cameras, a dolly and still cameras. This is the side that we would start to film on as we'd need to pan left to the other side of the room, as noted before we may put items on the windowsill to give a more effective look.
(Location 2)
This is the same location as the picture above, just slightly panned to the left. As you can see in this picture there is a small double bed in the room which would have to be removed if used as it takes up too much room.

(Location 2)
This is the same location as the previous two pictures, just panned to the left of the room. Obviously the teddy bears, bed and furniture on the walls will be removed if we were to film in this location. We could improve our film opening by putting more pictures on the wall of girls to create a more obsessive view to the audience.

Location 2-

Weaknesses: There isn't much wrong with this location, it's just finding somewhere perfect. As well as the first location there would have to be a couple of people to help to remove the bed for health and safety purposes.

Strengths: It's a big room and without the bed there it would be perfect with lots of space and we could arrange our props well.

(Location 3)
This is the third location, this room would be good to use as there is a red wall on the furthest wall which would connote death in our film opening. However there is a lot of furniture in this room and would be difficult to get it out. On the right hand side of this photo there is a wardrobe which would be hard to move.

(Location 3)
This is the opposite side of the room from the previous picture, without the bed in the room this room might be well suited to what we were achieving.
(Location 3)
This is the room looking at it from the door.
Location 3-

Weaknesses: There is a lot of furniture in the room and it would be difficult to move them, perhaps when filming there may be too much naturalistic lighting.

Strengths: The wall can connotes different meanings, with the white wall also connoting an element of innocent.

Location of Murdered Victims for Photos

One of the victims shown in the opening has been previously murdered in a bathtub. We can't just choose any bathroom on the moment of filming, we have to take different pictures from a variety of bathrooms to get the best lighting and to see which one looks the best in the photos to understand which one will look more professional on camera.
Location 1-
Location 1
Weaknesses: Although Location 1 is bigger than Location 2 it is still quite a small room to film/take photos of the victim in. The sink does get in the way of the scene so the victim would have to lay the other side (not the tap end)  however there is a radiator getting in the way.

Strengths: The bathroom is bigger than Location 2, looks clean so the blood will show up well and there are no shower utensils getting in the way.

Location 2-
Location 2
 Weaknesses: The bath is dirty around the side, however this could go well with the blood that would be placed on the walls and on the victim. The towels and scrubs would have to be removed and the shower curtain would get in the way. Also the room is too small to film in, there might not be enough room for the group and the tripod + camera to be in all at the same time.

Strengths: Obviously, it is a bathroom and well suited to the scene but perhaps we could find a bigger bathroom.

Location 3-
Location 3
This Location has also been taken into account for the alternative ending and we will be using it for the swing scene. This is to put into consideration if it would look good for the victim's murder.

Weaknesses: There are houses in the background which could make it seem as though she would have been heard and seen however, this will not be seen in the victims photo. This could be good considering witnesses had seen someone run from the scene.

Strengths: It's big enough so that everyone could be here when filming, obviously the grass give it effect that the murder was in a park.

Location 4-

The next victim that is shown in the sequence has been murdered in a bedroom. As like any other location in a film it has to be chosen carefully, there has to be connotations of death and murder recognised and to be planned perfectly. In looking at our first locations for the opening they are all bedrooms so we can take research from this. When looking at the variety of bedrooms we looked over them and decided that Location 3 would be most effective and appropriate.

Location 4

This is location could be used to take photos of the victim dead on the floor as the floor and wall are red, this gives connotations of blood, but also one wall has connotations of innocence. Although we probably won't see these in the photos it's still good to have just in case we change our mind on set on the whereabouts of the body.

Location 5-


Weaknesses: The sink is quite close to the bath, which may be a problem, but we can overcome this.

Strengths: Due to the size of the room, this bathroom is the best out of them all, we could fit the whole group in this room so no-one would get left out and the camera + tripod as well.

Post by: Jess Wilding

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