Thursday 17 February 2011

Analyse Of a Horror Opening

Scream Opening:

In the opening of this clip it comes apparent very quickly that it is a horror. The use of screams behind a telephone ringing shows the similarities between the phone she answers and what will happen next. The theme of horror is shown through the noises used and the font that the title is written in.
The character shown is a blonde female, this along with the female dressed in all white is to show her innocence. The female is shown through the male gaze theory whilst she is running and looking scared. The use of this character is to heighten the fear as the female shown to be so innocent can not cope or deal with the situation in hand.

The atmosphere in the opening is tense, this is created through different factors. With the constant calls from the stalker it creates a sense of fear and unknowing. The popcorn poppy denotes the danger the girl is in. At the start where things don't seem to be going wrong but when the situation accelerates the popcorn pops violently and shows the change in situation. The fast cuts that are used create the feeling of unknowing.

The theme of horror is throughout, during the conversation she says she is going to "watch a scary film" she says this whilst playing with the knife, which connotes the presence of a killer and death in the film. Other themes include the use of innocence vs evil, this is shown through the girl being in white which shows her innocence.

The setting is made to look like a family setting. The house seems to be a working home, it shows how the killings and calls have come out of the blue and totally opposite to what they have experienced before. The house is large which shows they have alot of money so could give a reason why they have been targeted.

When the titles are up on the screen the sound in the background is of screams and other sounds which combine with the telephone ringing to show straight away the big impact the phone has on the storyline. The sound of the phone ringing is made to echo around to give it a scarier edge.
The only titles shown is the title of the film 'Scream' it is written in red to connote death and blood. This shows the genre which it is in. As there are very few titles it makes the opening scarier as it looks like its truer to life.

Post by: Kat Ransom

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