Saturday 12 February 2011

Experimenting with Genres

These next three post-it notes are just the institution that we came up with for the first 8 seconds. Fade out from black to the tree. This would last for 2 seconds.

The tree explodes into flames and the 'Burning Tree Production' slowly appears with a sound 'ahh creepy' This shot would last for 4 seconds.

Fades to dead tree. Then fades to white to the park scene. This would last for 2 seconds.

Long shot of two figures on a bench with an empty dark park in the background, the only light would be created from the lampost. A low pitched non-diegetic slow tempo sound played over the track. This shot lasts for four seconds. Actor's names will appear above their heads through the titles.

Mid shot of the two figures on the bench, same angle as the last but in a mid-shot. Sound carries on and this shot lasts for two seconds. Titles - Produced by Orange Productions.

Voiceover of diegetic dialogue of a break-up. Scripted as... Julie: 'It's not working out Michael' Michael: 'NO! Don't say that..' Close up to see the facial expressions and this shot will last for 20 seconds.

Close up of male actors face showing emotion, mysterious. Non-diegetic mixed pitch sound. This shot would last 7 seconds. No titles to be played on this shot.

Long shot of male character on the bench alone look hurt but suspicious at the same time, afterwards anger is present on his face. High pitched diegetic sound. This shot would last for 5 seconds.

Long shot of the girl character walking away from the man. Sound carries on and non-diegetic dialogue of the man yelling for a second chance. This shot will last for 15 seconds.

Close-up of the man's face to show his emotions from the break-up. He is being very sly, looking quite upset and angry as if to seek revenge. He knows something is up. This shot would last for 10 seconds.

This Lesson
In this lesson we were given a task to make a Film Opening with a Genre decided from our groups. We decided on doing a Romantic Horror Genre and limited ourselves to 10 post-it notes, including logo's of a decided company. Additionally we were given Jellybabies to use as characters in the film opening. We made up the title and the whole sequence of shots to last for around a minute. This was to give us ideas of different genres and openings. This helped us a lot in knowing what we would like to do for our final opening. In this task we learnt that we don't have to over-complicate the film opening and that not much has to happen. We limited ourselves to a certain amount of post-it notes as we knew that there doesn't have to be a whole lot happening just in the opening, we were also noticing that others were using over 20 post-it notes and got confused after a while.

Ideas: Whole Group
Posted by: Jess Wilding

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