Sunday 13 February 2011

Target Audience Profile

Target Audience-
not a niche audience,

Our film is in the category of a horror genre aimed towards the teenage age group between 15 and 18 this is because of the use of teenagers as the protagonist this will create verisimilartude to the teenagers lives and create the hyperdermic needle theory which will mean that this film will be most effective when scaring the audience when shown to this age group. As our film is certified as a 15 due to the use of threat and blood this clearly shows that my film will not be aimed towards anyone under the age of 15. There is use of the male gaze theory in the opening of our film and will follow throughout where the camera pans across pictures of young girls, this links more towards the male gender however the pictures we used for this clip are trying to follow the stereotypical lives of a teenage girl so this will create verisimilartude towards the teenage girls. The type of audience we will be aiming for will be from social demographic groups C and D this is because from research we found that these were the main groups that took interest in the horror genre so this will help us when advertising our product and distributing it as to where to advertise to attract the correct target audience.  However our film is not really particually aimed towards the age or gender of our audience more towards whether they enjoy the stereotypical conventions of a horror film as we follow these with uses of such things as a stalker/murderer blood threat and violence. Our film is very alike 'Scream (1996)' as it follows these generic conventions so our target audience will be the same target audience of films such as these.

Alex Cockburn

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