Monday 28 February 2011

Research on Script for News Report Opening Scene

When deciding the script for our opening news report for the murder of Kristen Blakely we went on YouTube to get an understanding of a murder news report that has previously been aired.

By Looking at different News Report for Murders we can get an idea of how to introduce Kristen's murder on the TV in the frame. It helps us to know how to put together a script of what to say and make it sound professional. We will need to choose someone who would fit the character of a News Reporter. They would need to wear a suit to look professional and clean cut.

Examples of people for the news report would be:

Andrew Castle


Andrew Castle is seen during weekdays on GMTV, he is an example of a television news reporter. However, the only problem with having someone like Andrew castle is that he is seen early hours in the morning and probably not doing a murder news report.

Trevor McDonald

One of the most well known news reporters on News at Ten, ITV. He can usually be associated with telling stories consisting of murder and crime. Unlike Andrew Castle mostly on GMTV for the morning. In our opening we would want someone as serious like Trevor McDonald to play the character, he wears a suit, very professional and has the right voice for the part.

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