Wednesday 9 March 2011

Notes on the genre of Horror

As we are doing a horror film we need to look at the genre of horror to see what is included in it and what shows it is a horror film. As a group we have decided that we need to look at what consists of a horror film and the techniques employed in them.

Definition of Horror: An intense, painful feeling of repugnance and fear... Something unpleasant, ugly, or disagreeable.

Definition of Horror Genre: Horror fiction is a genre of literature, which is intended to, or has the capacity to scare its readers, inducing feelings of horror and terror. Horror can be either supernatural or non-supernatural.

From the definitions of horror and it's genre our group understands that before making our film opening and creating a storyline we will have to consider what the audience has to feel during the film and before the film. The audience will need to be scared at some point during the film and be disgusted. Before the film they should feel nervous about the horror film just as before a comedy that would feel a sense of going to be entertained.

Horror films are unsettling movies that try to evoke the emotions of fear, disgust and horror into the  viewers. They often feature scenes that are designed to startle the viewer through the supernatural, thus overlapping with the fantasy and science fiction genres. Horrors also frequently overlap with the Thriller genre. Horror films tackle the viewers nightmares, Horror films usually include, violence, stalking, supernatural behaviour, ancient curses, ghosts, torture, satanism, demons, cannibals, vampires and zombies. These subjects are the type that people would find very scary to watch.

The genre of horror changes throughout time, horrors have changed from decade to decade, due to the increase in technology and make up the genre of horror has become more gory and violent in the last decade. Horror which cause the audience are becoming more realistic through intensive editing which allows the music or noise to come in at a perfect time to scare the audience. Horror is known for its violence and gory affects, but many horror films do not have much gore but more jumpy parts. E.g Paranormal Activities.

Definition of Horror -
Definition of Horror Genre -
Other information -

Post by: Will Howlett
                   Jess Wilding

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