Thursday 3 March 2011

Initial Ideas of Costume

Before filming we have to consider what type of clothing the characters will be wearing, to do this I looked into what exactly the Costume Department deals with and what types of clothing our film opening would need to have connotations of the girls innocence and the news reporter's profession

The Costume Department in film are responsible for the design, fitting, hire, purchase, manufacture, continuity and care of all costume items on feature films. The term 'Costume' refers to the clothes that the Actors wear, and these differ enormously from production to production, ranging from contemporary urban fashion to period ball-gowns. The Costume Department is also responsible for jewellery, footwear, corsets, hosiery, millinery and sometimes wig-work. Costume is integral in defining the overall 'look' of the film. It provides the audience with information about the period, culture and society the Actors inhabit and, on a more subtle level, the underlying themes of the film itself.

Considering that we've changed the storyboard we would now need to consider the costumes of the girls at the scene of the crime once they have been killed, this is to improve on the fear and tension of the audience and to make them jump.
When considering the clothing for the girls that will be at the scene of the crime, once murdered, we needed to come up with what they would wear considering the expenses as our film is low budget. This is the type of top that the girls would be wearing, showing the arms will have connotations of how vulnerable the girl is, showing her personality. The white colour also connotes her innocence in this crime, that she has done nothing wrong to deserve this as the audience is being shown.

If we decide that the girl should be wearing shoes, if not then one shoe may be on to perhaps give the audience an element of escape, however we may decide not to keep her shoes on and show that she has lost them in her attempt of getting away, we have decided on either black or red shoes, black pumps show that she is a normal girl wearing shoes that every normal girl her age would wear, but perhaps if they were red it would connote her death.
When thinking about the costume we have to think about everything that they will be wearing, perhaps a small thin necklace would make her seem more delicate and innocent. This is also just to make our film seem more realistic.

Most modern girls seem to wear leggings/jeggings, to keep up with modern times we have decided on using these in our open scene. One of our members in our group will provide these. This adds to the sense of the girls being from our time and making the audience feel more involved.

To make the film opening more realistic we have to take into consideration the type of clothing that News Reporters actually wear. By doing some research we can understand the type of clothing that an everyday news reporter would wear and how they are presented. From the pictures above this is our idea on what types of costumes the news reporter will be wearing in our film opening.

When doing research every reporter that I searched for wore suits and looked very professional. As you can see from the pictures below, the first man (on the left) is wearing a black blazer, a shirt and tie in the background of a street, this is more what we are looking at. The second man (in the middle) is also wearing a black blazer, a shirt and a tie this is the same with the two men on the right. We gathered through our research that we will have to consider this when filming and when we have casted the news reporter we will have to dress him in a suit to make our film opening more realistic.


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