Monday 21 March 2011

Casting for Victim Pictures

As the victims don't have any lines in the script, we have decided to not audition them as this would be unnecessary. We have taken photos of 4 girls at mid-shot and to cast the victims we will decide by looking at the photos only as we have an ideal image of what they will look like in mind. Whoever is best suited will get casted.

Jessica Foster

Devon Dalton

Yasmin Young

When looking over the pictures of the victims the our group favoured was Yasmin Young. Her dark brown hair and pale like face made us know that it the blood would show up well on her and we wouldn't need much or any face make-up to make her look pale, this benefits when we have the bath tub scene where she has just been found 'murdered' after the crime. These photos would have been, in the film, taken by the police as the 'scene of the crime' photos and she would need to look dead, as the bath tub will be pure white we wouldn't need a tanned female as it would make sense if the girl was pale, this is because after someone has died they tend to lose a lot of colour. 

Post by: Jess Wilding

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