Wednesday 9 March 2011

Casting Auditions for News Reporter

We conducted three auditions for the role of news reporter for the start of our opening. We decided on three people to be auditioned for this role:

Glen Harries

We chose Glen as he is very presentable and as he is in one of our group member's English Literature Class they recommended him as the news reporter as he takes on different roles in the classroom when reading. Additionally, he also teaches Drama and from watching him perform we decided to inhabit the character very well.

Strengths: Well spoken, enthusiastic, experience in theatre, speaks clearly which is ideal considering the audience will have to understand him, presentable, friendly, gets into character.

Weaknesses: Has a busy schedule due to teaching, we'd have to get it filmed in one take.

 Glen Harries' Audition

John King

Secondly, we decided on auditioning John as he is very enthusiastic about different roles and volunteering. He speaks clearly when teaching. Although, he can seem quite nervous we thought that when in a different role he may act differently, by conducting this audition we would know if he'd fit the role.

Strengths: He looks suitable for the role, smart dressed, glasses make him seem more professional.

Weaknesses: Didn't look at the camera; perhaps the audience wouldn't feel connected to the news reporter like it didn't matter, when we need it to be taken very seriously. Got confused on the lines, the last line being the most important wasn't spoken as we'd need it to be, seemed uncomfortable and nervous. 

John King's Audition

Carolyn Wood (CHECK THIS NAME)

Finally, we decided on auditioning a woman for the news reporter. It would be a change and just to see how it would work. A confident speaker and friendly woman, quite smart clothing and would fit the role as a nwes reporter. Although, there were some thoughts on her not being as serious as we'd like but we will analyse

Strengths: Suitable for the role, smartly dressed, glasses are a plus, confident speaker.

Weaknesses: A male has connotations of being superior. There is the stereotype of a news reporter and to follow on this stereotype our group would be more likely to choose a male actor, we will analyse this is more detail with the auditions.

Carolyn's Audition

Auditions filmed by: Whole Group
Post by: Jess Wilding

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