Thursday 17 November 2011

Resit: Script

As well as having the script from the news reporter, we have decided to play the whole take through and take snippets from it and place on our film opening where the radio would be turned on and sounds from the radio turning on and turning channels would be played, then the voice over from Glen Harries would be played over the top of the film opening where the newspaper article and killer cleaning his hands would be.

As we already have this script, we decided that it would not be necessary for other dialogue to be played in our filming, we feel that the quality of the film opening would be better off without, this will create an eerie element to our piece, however we have put in mind that we would play a soundtrack over the top of shots. For instance, when we have the words 'What you are about to see is based on true events' placed on the screen with a typescripter transition, we would have a soundtrack played in the background which would make it seem as though it was being typed out on a transcripter. Other soundtracks being played over the top of our film opening would be a soundtrack called 'The Hive', this is a background soundtrack which sets the tension for the film opening, instead of there being silence all the way through, which would not appeal to the audience. Additionally, the soundtracks of a radio being 'turned on' and 'tuned' will be placed just before the News Report to make the sound more realistic as if the Killer is turning on the radio, this will also inform the audience of what is happening in our film opening and sets them up to know the storyline.

Jess Wilding

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