Friday 18 November 2011

Resit: Locations of Filming

We have now decided on what our opening will contain, we now need to think about where to film these parts. We need to think about what kind of day would suite our film, what angles we could achieve to gain the best shot.

Our piece contains two different places, one outside in a large field with a path, and secondly we need to have a kitchen or sink in a large room to gain the angles which we need.

Outside shot:

Church field (Broomfield):
  • This shoot would be good as it is a large field with a path and an old abandoned barn which we could incorporate into our piece. The downside is this is a very popular place and many people could be around so we would have to make sure we go at a time when most people are busy.

  • There is many fields to choose from but most fields are privately owned so would need written permission to film here. This could cause a problem due to a lack of time in waiting for a reply.

Inside shots (Kitchen):

Alex Cockburn's:
  • This kitchen has the right room, it is light but can be made dark due to the blinds in the window. The surfaces are wooden so look old which in keeps with the thought that this kitchen belongs to a older person.

Jess Wilding's:
  • This kitchen would be good as has a large sink and has a look of a cottage kitchen. The bad points of this kitchen is the lack of natural light which means we would have to use artificial lighting which would not fit in with our genre.

We have decided as a group to film in Alex Cockburns kitchen as it is the best placed and best equiped to achieve the type of shots that we are after. We have chosen Alex Cockburn's house as the kitchen is old fashioned compared to a modern style kitchen. The outside shot will be filmed in the Field behind the Church in Broomfield. This is due to convenience and the old barn.

Will Howlett

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