Friday 18 November 2011

Resit: Final Idea

As a group we came together and discussed how we can improve on our initial ideas, we have made changes to make the piece run smoother and create a larger sense of fear.

 Final  Idea:

Our final idea has the same storyline as in our initial ideas, but as a group we have decided to change the order of events, this has made the piece flow better and enable the audience to understand fully what is going on.

  •  Studio pictures and production company logos will come up, this is to follow the conventions that all films follow.
  • A black screen will appear with writing coming up in the style of a type writer. The letters will appear one at a time, a sound affect will accompany it.

  • A close up shot of a tap being turned on.

  • The camera will pan down to the sink with blood and a knife in it.

  • The camera pans back up to the murderer washing his hands, then wiping them on a white towel to show innocence.

  • Pans to a newspaper article talking about the murders that are occurring. The news report begins in the background.

  • Then we have a flashback. We will make sure the audience can tell it is a flashback by having an effect on the shot to make it look older then the rest. This shot will have a teenager walking along a field then being scared and running away. This shot will be slowed down to create fear and suspense.

  • Close up on another newspaper article talking about the murders. This shows that they are a big deal across the country.

  • We will then have a close up of the killers eyes when he is older. This will enable the audience to see that they are back in normal time and links the storyline back into what is happening.

  • The killer will then put the mask on.

  • Then the killer will walk out of the door.

  • Fade to Black.

We wanted to create an opening like se7en, this opening contained little action but created fear through the music used and the way that it was edited:

I have created this final ideas so we can work off of this when we film our piece, this will help us able to film quicker and more efficiently.

Will Howlett

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