Monday 18 April 2011

Music Soundtrack Final Ideas

As a group we have decided that we will be using certain soundtracks in our film opening that is suited to the frame at the time and to our genre of horror.

We have decided on using the following soundtracks (can also be heard in the video below):

1. Typewriter; this sound was used when editing the titles that said ' What you are about to see is based on true events' we had to do each title separately as there was not a transition that did this for us, it was time consuming but we wanted to make our film opening better. We decided to have this soundtrack placed over the top of the writing to make it more realistic, we have noticed that other films have used this before during films to create more effect.

2. Evil Laugh Sound Effect; this would be used at the end of our film opening where we have the scene with the swing swaying back and forth. This would not be overused just enough to let the audience have a rough idea of what was to come.

3. Very Low Note; this would be used as a way of layering sound to give the film opening a bit more of a scary edge to our horror.

4. The Hive; this would be used over the top as it is very scary and would selected in places to give some background noise, without this type of soundtrack it would just be silence in the background and very bland.

5. Static TV; this would be used just before and just after a jump cut of the victim in the bath. This was to scare the audience and create a sense of tension to the storyline. When comparing other films as a group we decided that the films that are a lot more effective on the audience were the ones that had this type of soundtrack in.

6. House of Leaves; just like 'The Hive' this soundtrack would be used to give a sense of background to our opening, with this our film opening is more exciting, as well as having the 'Static TV' noise this soundtrack breaks out from it and scares the audience more.

7. Take the Lead; this would be used for the Orange Productions association logo, with the dead tree in the background and the one apple left on it. We thought it would sound better being a rock/pop soundtrack with a horror genre than having a classical, we thought that having a classical tune over an institutional logo would more likely be seen on a romantic genre based film.

8. Thunder Sound Effect; this would be used for our institutional logo, it seems more as though it is a logo, we thought it looks better on the film opening. We thought this was similar to the MGM logo with the lion, the voice over sounds louder and more realistic. 

Post by: Jess Wilding

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