Friday 29 April 2011

Film Opening Second Rough Cut and Feedback

This is our group's second rough cut of our film opening. After doing a lot of work on our film opening we decided to get some more feedback from others, including our target audience (over 15's) to see if we can improve our film more in different ways to suit our target audience's demands. We still need to do a lot more work in order to get our film opening to match our shot list, however our final cut of our film opening will show this.

Feedback from Year 11; 15-16 years old (our target audience):
- They really liked the storyline and our ideas for the film that are apparent in the film opening.
- They didn't understand the park scene at the end as the swing was a child's swing and not a swing for an older teenager like the sort that are being murdered in the film opening. It goes from being dark to too bright, confused them.
- The pictures on the wall shots go on for too long and can distract the audience's attention.
- In the film opening the television gets switched off and then all of a sudden we can hear the news report go over the top of other clips.
- They recognised the genre straight away.
- 10/25 of our audience want to watch the rest of the film.

We gathered from this feedback that we needed to either try and turn down the brightness even more in the park scene or discuss as a group and get rid of this scene altogether. We needed to shorten down the part where the pictures are being shown on the wall. Stick to the shot list and sort out which scenes go where to avoid confusion with the scene where the television turns off, by doing this we hope that more of our audience will want to watch the rest of our film.

Feedback from Year 13; 17-18 years old (also around our target audience as it's 15+)
- Really liked the part of the title where it gets typewritten, however the whole title should have that type of transition.
- Liked the scream, the evil laugh at the end of the film opening and the layering of sound.
- Titles and institutional logos are needed in order to know that the whole piece is a film opening and not just a part of the film.
- The photos of the girls on the wall go on for way too long and need to be shortened.

We took this feedback into consideration and decided as a group that we would have the whole title at the beginning in the same transition, we had thought of doing this before but would leave those ideas till the end as they were very time consuming; this being as we didn't have a transition for this title and had to each letter separately. We would add titles to the piece and the right amount in the correct order and institutional logos as well as the first lot of feedback we got from our second rough cut, we will need to shorten down the picture scene to avoid distraction.

Post by: Jess Wilding

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