Wednesday 6 April 2011

Institutional Logo

In our first initial stages of thinking about what logo would represent our film company we thought of images and idea's to do with our production company which was 'Orange productions'. Through the brain storming process we came up with an idea surrounding an orange tree as this links in with our production name. We had to come up with a type of logo.

We decided to draw out a picture of what we wanted our logo to look like so that we all had a rough idea on what to go from. This was the type of logo that we came up with:

For our Orange Productions logo we decided on having a withered tree in the background with one orange on a branch to capture the audience's eyes. By searching on google we got the perfect picture of a withered tree, the only problem that occurred was that it did not have anything on it. We decided on getting a different picture of an orange off of google and editing the picture in 'Paint'. We finally got a picture from the Internet and successfully placed the orange onto the tree without it looking edited.

This was our final product of our 'in associations with Orange Productions':

Then we had to come up with a different logo to make our film opening a bit more professional. We needed to decide on a name for our first institutional logo, which was 'Studio Pictures' we had to come up with a logo. When we were searching on the Internet we came up with a picture of a road with a streak of lightning in the background. We decided that this was a great idea for our film opening and that with this we would put a sound effect of thunder in the background of the lightning to give more of a professional feel to our piece.

This was our final product of our 'Studio Pictures':

Post by: Jess Wilding & Kat Ransom
Logo Designed by: Kat Ransom

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