Friday, 2 December 2011

Resit: Initial Storyboard

This is our first initial idea of our film opening, we will go from this storyboard. However, we feel as though there is something to change which will be added and taken as our final storyboard.

This is a representation of our company logo.

This is a represtation of our 'In association' logo.

This will be used with a typewriter transition and will type these words one by one.

Starts off with a close-up of a tap being turned on.

Then a close-up of the water running from the tap.

The camera then pans down to the sink and the audience can see that there is a knife in the sink with blood surrounding it, the audience can straight away tell the genre, through the generic conventions of a horror being a knife and blood.

The killer then goes to wash his hands, which have blood on them, the audience will then start to think along the storyline and gather that this man is a murderer.

The killer then goes to dry his hands with a towel that has blood already on it.

The camera then jumps to an extreme close up of the killers eyes, we do not give away his whole identity, we want the audience to recognise his eyes but not give away all features of his face.

The camera then cuts and pans down from the killers chest to the mask, we see that the man is cleaning the mask which has blood on it, to see that he carries a second identity as a masked killer.

Without seeing the killer's front we see the character from the side, as he is wearing dark clothing we cannot identify the character, the killer puts the mask on.

The killer then walks out of the door with the mask on, the audience can tell something bad is about to happen..

Jess Wilding

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