Friday, 2 December 2011

Resit: Final Storyboard

This is our final storyboard, which we will be going from, we then have to create a shotlist to show how long each shot will go on for. We also decided to add a flashback scene as our film opening wasn't long enough, as well as this it creates more of a tense atmosphere for our film opening.

Our institution logo.

Our company logo.

This has been seen in many films, which we have followed but we will change the font, colour and transition effect in doing so, we will have a typewriter effect as if it is being written at the time.

The camera is at a close up of the sink being turned on.

A close-up of the water running from the tap.

The camera will then pan down to the sink and show a knife and 'fake' blood at the bottom of the sink, this shows the generic conventions of a horror film.

You will then see a man's hands with blood on them cleaning his hands, the audience can gather that this is a murderer.

The camera then pans to the side to the towel where the killer picks it up and wipes his hands, leaving excess blood.

There is a headline on a newspaper about a killing, which pans right of the newspaper so the audience can see what the story is about.

There is a flashback of a long shot of a boy walking down a lane, he is scared by something that he has seen.

There is a close up of the boy's face to show his facial expression.

The next shot is of an extreme close up to express the child's emotions.

The boy is scared and he runs away, the camera would pan outwards from the extreme close up and pan out to a long shot of the boy running away.

There is a jump cut to the newspaper with the headline, to hint to the audience.

There is an extreme close-up of the killer's eyes to tell facial expression, but not showing whole face to keep the generic convention of the ''unknown'' and to keep his identity from the audience.

The camera jump cuts but pans down to the killer holding the mask, cleaning the blood off of his mask.

The camera then pans upwards from the killer's feet to his head with a mid-shot, the killer's back will be facing the camera to as well keep the killer's identity from the audience.

When the camera has panned upwards from the killer's feet there will be a mid-shot of the killer, he will then put on his mask.

The killer, with his mask on, will walk out of the room, the audience will be drawn to what he could do next...

Jess Wilding

Jess Wilding

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